Mermaids` Makings

Playground Makeover

Do you remember this playground?

It looks a bit different now.

As the playground has been a great hit lately we needed to make it sturdier to make it last longer.  A few weeks ago I saw a wonderful  idea  of using egg cartons for the see saw seats. It`s brilliant for our Littlest Pet Shop animals so they don`t fall over. I would love to link to the blog where I saw the idea but unfortunately I can`t remember where I saw it. So if you know, let me know as well :) (The link)

So the swing got a new seat as well.

We also changed the top of the bouncy swing using a couple of flower shapes made out of craft foam. For the stepping stones we just used milk bottle tops. These aren’t attached to the base, so it`s easy to put them wherever you like on the table.

We glued a couple of egg cartons onto the roundabout as well.

I often like to leave the things plain where I have used recycled materials so it shows what I have used. But I painted the sewsaw this  time to make it merrier :)


Mõned kuud tagasi tuli mul laps koolist ideega, et tema tahab mänguväljakut teha. Just sellist, nagu ta koolis oli meisterdanud. Hakkasime siis tema juhendamisel tööle. Algselt nägi meie mänguväljak välja selline.

Nüüd aga otsustasime seda veidi tugevdada ja kohendada. Kiikudele ja karussellile liimisime munakarbi topsikud.. neid on väga hea kasutada, sest siis ei kuku mänguloomad sealt välja. Värvitud pinnad katsime üle Mod Podge- ga.

Head mängimist!

6 comments on “Playground Makeover

  1. Pingback: Creative Playground Makeover with Recycled Items – Recycled Things

  2. maryanne @ mama smiles
    June 2, 2012

    Very cute!!!

  3. Love and Lollipops
    April 20, 2011

    Love this little world you created! Can I come and play too?

Thank you for taking the time to write a comment :)


This entry was posted on April 10, 2011 by in recycling, small world play and tagged , .



April 2011

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