Mermaids` Makings

Turning five

Our Beautiful Butterfly will turn 5 soon. On Monday to be exact. We have enjoyed planning the party and talking about the presents. Annabel has been waiting for her birthday since February already. And finally the day has come. The party is tomorrow in our sports centre. It is a Fairy Tale Party and I hope that lots of kids will dress up. I deffinately will- I will be Pippi Longstocking :)

This picture was taken yesterday just before going to school with chocolates for her classmates.

Here are the birthday invitations we sent out. We got invitations from the sports centre as well.. it came with the package. But as always, we love to do things differently and made our own :)

8 comments on “Turning five

  1. mermaid
    June 9, 2010

    Of course we will!

  2. lilla a
    June 9, 2010

    Oh, how did you know! I allready have a new project planned! I had too much fun doing the shoeboxes with you guys, so I want to do another one, soon. Just have to do it with A first. I hope you will join us again!

  3. Raine
    June 3, 2010

    Palju õnne ka meie poolt! Viis on ju pool juubelit juba :)

  4. lilla a
    June 1, 2010

    Pretty pretty birthday girl! Shoebox houses are up now!

  5. mermaid
    May 31, 2010

    Aitähh :)
    Peab muutma jah… harjumatu see number viis veel.

  6. Kristi
    May 31, 2010

    Palju õnne Annabelile ja emmele-issile ka! Suur päev ikkagi :)

    Emme saab nüüd “about us” ära muuta :D

  7. mermaid
    May 30, 2010

    Aitäh! Meil oli nii vahva pidu! Ja nii vahva on kaasa elada oma lapse peo ootusele! Nagu oleks oma pidu :)

  8. LJB
    May 30, 2010

    Palju onne :) Jaan peopilte ootama :)

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This entry was posted on May 29, 2010 by in Uncategorized.



May 2010

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